


Zethan’s Corner

Our Sponsors

You are stronger than you know, braver than you believe, and more loved than you realize. You have the power to break free and rewrite your story. You are not alone. ...

Choices lead, feelings follow. Just remember, your choices are so much more powerful than temporary feelings. Take a step forward at a time and watch what happens. ...

It`s not always easy to discern if a partner is truly committed to changing their abusive behavior, but there are signs to look out for:

1️⃣Acknowledgment: Admitting to their actions without excuses or blame.

2️⃣Accountability: Taking responsibility for their behavior and its consequences.

3️⃣Seeking Help: Voluntarily seeking professional support to address underlying issues.

4️⃣Respectful Communication: Openly listening to concerns and working together to find solutions.

5️⃣Behavioral Changes: Demonstrating consistent efforts to change over time.

6️⃣Respecting Boundaries: Prioritizing safety and well-being and respecting boundaries.

Trust your instincts and prioritize your safety. If you have doubts or concerns, seek support. Resource link in the bio.

Leaving an abusive relationship shouldn`t mean facing homelessness. Yet, for many survivors, the lack of affordable housing and overflowing shelters make escaping seem impossible. It`s time to change this narrative.

#nocontact #strongertogether #dvawareness #enddv

Did you know? 48% of survivors were sleeping or performing another activity at home when they were sexually abused. This sobering statistic highlights the importance of creating safe spaces and empowering survivors to speak out. ...

Why? The act of leaving can trigger the abuser`s most dangerous response, escalating the risk.

But it`s not just fear that holds survivors back. Financial concerns, worries about the children, pressure from loved ones, and deeply-held religious beliefs play a role.

#strongertogether #domesticviolence #emotionalabuse #healing #survivor

Access to substance abuse treatment and resources can make a big difference in the survivor`s journey. Comprehensive support is an invaluable part of healing and we share resources to help in the process.

Visit our website for National crisis organizations and assistance. Link in bio.

Survivors may feel torn between maintaining a traditional family structure for their children`s sake or fearing harm or the threat of taking their children away. Extending compassion and understanding to survivors can give them the support they need on their journey to safety and healing.

#emotionalabuse #healing #domesticviolenceawareness

Sending love to sexual assault survivors who...

🤍 Are struggling with mental health.
🤍 Have ever felt or been dismissed.
🤍 Aren`t ready to speak up.
🤍 Are trying their best to heal.

We see you, and we are here for you!


Coping with trauma is a journey, not a destination. It`s a path of healing that unfolds over time, filled with ups and downs, twists and turns. Remember, it`s okay to take breaks, to seek support, and to be gentle with yourself along the way. ...

Let`s challenge victim-blaming attitudes and instead focus on supporting survivors. Every person deserves compassion, understanding, and justice. ...

Remember, healing is not linear; it`s about taking small steps forward each day. Whether talking to a therapist, practicing mindfulness, or finding solace in creative outlets, find what works for you.

You are resilient, you are brave, and you are not alone.

#strongertogether #domesticviolence #dvsurvivor

🌸As nature awakens from its slumber, may this season bring you a fresh start, blossoming opportunities, and the warmth of hope in your heart. Happy first day of spring! ...

March is Developmental Disability Awareness Month. Did you know? Women with disabilities are 40% more likely to endure abuse, facing longer-lasting and more intense mistreatment. Let`s advocate for their safety and amplify their voices.

#abuse #emotionalabuse #enddv

Navigating how to help a loved one facing abuse is complex and challenging. There`s no one-size-fits-all approach, and family dynamics can add layers of complexity to the situation. Here are some tips:

👂Listen with an open heart and mind. Validate their feelings and experiences without judgment.

⏰Healing takes time. Be there for them consistently, even if they`re not ready to leave the relationship yet.

👨‍👩‍👧Encourage open communication within the family and seek professional guidance if needed.

You can make a difference!

#strongertogether #emotionalabuse #healing #speakup #enddv

Did you know? One in four teens in a relationship report experiencing name-calling, harassment, or put-downs by their partner through cell phones and texting.

It`s time to raise awareness about teen dating abuse and create a safe space for teens to speak out, seek help, and build healthy relationships. Visit our resource page for information on how to support teens and promote healthy relationships. Link in bio.

Today, we celebrate the strength, resilience, and achievements of women around the world. Let`s uplift, empower, and support each other always.

🌸To all the women in the world: You are powerful, you are worthy, and you are unstoppable. Keep shining your light and breaking barriers!

#InternationalWomensDay #strongertogether #dvawareness #enddv

Abuse in any form is not just about physical harm—it`s about power and control. Tactics of abuse are designed to chip away at equality in relationships, leaving partners feeling diminished and undeserving of respect.

We stand with you, please visit our resources page if you or a loved one is dealing with abuse. Link in the bio.

Domestic violence affects countless lives, but it remains hidden behind closed doors. Why? Fear, stigma, and lack of support often keep survivors from speaking out.

Let`s be allies. Offer a safe space, lend an empathetic ear, and provide resources to survivors in need. Together we stand. ✊

#domesticabuse #speakup #survivor #strongertogether

😍 Love bombing is a manipulation tactic often used by individuals with unhealthy or abusive relationship tendencies. It involves overwhelming someone with excessive attention, affection, and gifts to gain their affection and compliance quickly.

You deserve a love that`s patient, respectful, and real. Don`t settle for less. Be aware of the signs and prioritize your well-being in any relationship.